3 In christmas/ holidays

letters to santa are great, but letters from santa are even better :: sealed by santa :: review

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Sealed by Santa logoToday I had a very interesting conversation with my 7-year-old about how “Daisy at the gym said that Santa and the Tooth Fairy are just your parents giving you presents and money.” Knowing that the less I talk in these situations the more she will work it out on her own, I simply asked, “And what do you think?” “SANTA IS REAL! And then I just went and played with someone else…”

Phew – crisis averted! I say crisis because having my eldest decide that Santa is no longer real could cause quite the sadness this Christmas season for the younger kiddo in the house. Also, there’s a little bit of magic that we get to live out vicariously through our children while they are in the phase where they believe in Santa and his magical reindeer.

Sealed by Santa Deluxe packageTo help keep the Santa magic alive this year I was excited to learn about Sealed by Santa. We got both girls the Santa Deluxe Package which started out with an email for each of the girls with a video from Santa. Just watching their faces when they saw their messages alone was priceless, but when they saw that there was ACTUAL mail from Santa. Oh. My. Excitement.

Because they were so good this year each of my girls received a personalized letter from Santa that not only mentioned them by name, but also included some of their personal highlights from this past year. There was even mention of the specific gifts they each have on their lists this year and a special P.S. that had each of my girls wide-eyed and smiling from ear to ear.

There were four more items in each of their packages that must not be forgotten:: 1) a Nice List Certificate signed by both Santa and Rudolph; 2) an autographed photo from Santa; 3) a special note from Mrs. Claus with her special sugar cookie recipe; and 4) Reindeer Food to be spread in the yard on Christmas Eve so the reindeer can have a snack.

Whether your kiddo is teetering on the edge of that age zone where Santa may or may not be real or they’re like my 4-year-old who told us tonight that “Everyone knows that Santa is real!” Sealed by Santa is a great way to keep the magic alive and give your kiddos a great memory this Christmas season.

Nice List Certificate

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  • Julie
    December 23, 2015 at 7:55 pm

    This company scams people. They never sent my letters and they won’t respond to me. I email, leave messages. DO NOT ORDER FROM THIS COMPANY!

    • Shannon
      January 15, 2016 at 3:07 pm

      Oh gosh, I am so sorry for your experience. We have had nothing but good things with our process. I hope you got some relief!! 🙂

  • Heidi
    December 4, 2014 at 7:36 pm

    What a great idea! Thanks for sharing!