In around the house/ big kids/ in the kitchen/ recipes/ tips and tools/ toys & games

kids in the kitchen cooking with raddish

This month my kids did something for the first time that they had never done before, my 10 year old and 8 year old just made us dinner! From start to finish with a minimal amount of help from me they did everything and I’m starting to see the light at the end of the cooking tunnel!

raddish kids on the simple moms

My older two kiddos are at the age where they have an avid interest in helping to cook our meals but I will freely admit that the thought of taking on the process of teaching them to cook has been overwhelming. Welcome Raddish monthly subscription kits for kids to learn to cook! Each month comes with 3 recipe guides, monthly collectibles, a quality kitchen tool (last month it was a silicone measuring cup!), a creative kitchen project, a complete shopping list, and 3 culinary skills lessons.

The ingredients are not included in the box but with the shopping list we were able to mark off the items we already had at home before taking a trip to the local grocery store. The kids were responsible for marking off items as we added them to our cart, picking the correct size or measurement, and then marking them off their list. It was a great lesson in responsibility to make sure they had the items they needed to complete their recipes.


My girls are both VERY excited to see how many new patches they can add to their aprons and for that very reason I would suggest ordering multiple kits if you have multiple kids or simply sign up for the sibling tool add on. Keep in mind that the recipes also include the yield and unless you’re VERY hungry or have a VERY large family doubling or tripling the recipe for multiple kids to make is not necessary. We made that rookie mistake and now have two pounds of Apple Turkey Meatballs and two pounds of Butternut Squash Mac&Cheese. I’d say the same about the Cinnamon Swirl Pumpkin Bread from this last month’s kit but there is NO way that will last long – my girls have already planned the next time they can make that particular recipe again for our enjoyment.

If you’re looking for a fun way to teach your kids to cook or get them involved with making foods to expand their culinary horizons I highly suggest ordering a Raddish Kids kit of your own!

*I was in no way compensated for this post and am simply sharing a wonderful find that my family is enjoying!*

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