In around the house/ baby gear/ big kid gear

keep elbows and knees scrape-free with knee bees

disclaimer no giveaway

kneebeeslogoSpring is on the way here in Michigan. We’ve had a few good outdoor days already and my daughter could not wait to try out her new Ripstik. I have to admit, though, I was not as excited for her to try it out. Because trying means falling. And falling means ripped clothes, cuts and scrapes. I was so excited to find Knee Bees and give them a try while she gives her Ripstik a try!

When our kids travel on anything with wheels, they always wear a helmet. But I often want a little extra protection for their elbows and knees, too, and I’ve found traditional knee and elbow pads are so bulky that they make it hard to move. Knee Bees are designed to be worn without hindering movement so kids are able to bike, scooter or Ripstik without their elbow and knee pads getting in the way. They are stretchy enough to get on and off easily, but tight enough that they stay put.

kneebeeselboweditMy daughter wore her Knee Bees over her clothes on a chilly day. My son actually wore his under his pants when he was playing basketball on the cement the other day so he could have a little extra padding when he fell. And I think they will be great in the summer on the exposed knees and elbows to protect from road rash. I actually wish I had them when my kids were really little to give their knees a little padding when they were crawling.

kneebeeskneeeditKnee Bees are designed to fit kids ages 6 months to 8 years, though my 9-year-old daughter had no trouble wearing them and I’m guessing they will easily fit her for a few more years.  The fabric is designed to stretch over knees and elbows and shrink back to its original size when washed.  Since the fabric is a thick double layer, the outer layer will absorb the abrasion leaving skin and clothing clear.  We are so happy to have these in our arsenal of outdoor vehicles.  I see a lot less band-aids in our future, thanks to Knee Bees!

How would your family use Knee Bees?

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