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i’m collecting online…did ‘ya know? :: information #followitfindit #ad

“My eBay Collections were curated as part of my collaboration with eBay.”

I have a confession to make.  I have been spending a lot of time on eBay lately.  But it’s all for good reason, of course! 😉

I’m sure you all have heard about eBay, right?  Well, one thing you may not have known is a fabulous new selection opportunity. It’s called eBay collections and I personally think it’s pretty fantastic!!  Basically, you, as a shopper, get to scour the pages of eBay, find the perfect item for YOU, create a collection with all these items in and bid…bid…bid!  It’s not only a way to showcase your style, I think it’s a great way to put together some fabulous pairings that you want to purchase and watch them all/bid on them easily.

I have put together oodles of collections, but some that I’m working on right now to showcase some fun sides of my thinking are the rainy day play, carrying tealwhite elephant and ugly sweater christmas. enough said.

ebay blog post #1

All my collections are not yet complete yet but I couldn’t wait any longer to share them with you! Boy do I have some good ones (if I don’t say so myself).  Head on over and be sure to:

So, what do you think?  Can you see yourself using this feature?  Not only is it great for YOU to organize…but you can follow collections and collection creators too to see what they are posting!  Love it!

ebay blog post #1, pic 2

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