In fashion/ little fashions

#jellysareback at jelly beans :: review

This shop is part of a social shopper marketing insight campaign with Pollinate Media Group™ and Jelly Beans but all my opinions are my own. #pmedia #JellysAreBack

disclaimer no giveaway
jelly beans logoWhen you were six years old, the only worry you had was what colour jelly sandals to put on your feet.  What happened to all the fun? And more importantly, what happened to jellys? Well, they’re back! I couldn’t be more excited about this.5

I remember wearing these as a child – mean I seriously had every color…who didn’t?  They are now back for your little’s to enjoy just like you did.  I introduce you to Jelly Beans.

We got to try out the clear jellys and my daughter loves them. They go with everything to finish off her summer style.  They are just the perfect summer shoe for mom or child.  They also come in several other colors such as pink and blue. After seeing some photos of other kiddos wearing these two colors I definitely need to get them for my daughter.

2You can wear these with any outfit.  These are also for any age and will keep you feeling like you are keeping up with the trends.  I love that my daughter can put these on herself.   I know since I put some pictures on Instagram of my daughter wearing the jellys, people were concerned with their feet sweating. I want to in fact say my daughter’s feet have NOT once been sweaty.  She has worn them for hours and was fine. Don’t let that stop you from buying them because it won’t happen.
jelly beans pink

Another awesome thing is there is FREE SHIPPING in the US.  Heck yeah, since they are from Australia, this is a wonderful deal.

Little Jelly Beans :: $34.99

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