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jada toys :: nano metalfigs

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jada toys nano metalfigs collage
What are NANO METALFIGS? Oh, just a toy that my 4 year old couldn’t wait to play with. I’ve never seen him forget about the iPad so quickly. That says a lot about this toy! These metal figurines (metal figs) come in single packs or packs of 5 or 10 with a bonus figure. The Marvel Spider-Man set was what caught Charlie’s attention. He will sit on the couch and act out super hero scenes, they come with us in the car, they make for a great toy while running errands, and of course they are good naptime playmates too. Yes, he is totally fake sleeping in the top right photo, but his mean mom still makes him rest each day.

ages 3+ gift idea nano metalfigs
This toy is recommended for ages 3+ and you should immediately add them to your list of ideas for Christmas, stocking stuffers, or birthdays. I know I mention this idea often, but these would be a great toy to open in-flight if you are traveling via plane. They could brighten up a long road trip too. If you have kids that like to collect toys, there are many different kinds of NANO METALFIGS to choose from.

jada toys nano metalfigsHere is a small sample:

  • Disney Pixar: Toy Story
  • Marvel: Spider-Man, Guardians, Avengers
  • DC Comics: Batman
  • Harry Potter
  • WWE
  • Street Fighter

These toys are available at Walmart. Each figure is a 1/65 scale, 100% die-cast, and weighs about 25-30 grams. They are approximately $.99 each depending on the collectors pack you pick. Disclosure: they do hurt to step on when you tip toe into a dark room to kiss your kids goodnight, BUT they don’t break. Look for them on your next trip to Walmart!

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