In around the house/ frugal living/ money saving tips/ organize

it’s never too early to start planning with life insurance

*This blog post is in collaboration with Responsival! Thank you for sharing a clicking along with us *

I don’t know about you but with summer comes free time. With free time come thinking…a lot of thinking. Whether it’s the sitting around the pool or at the beach, or at a bonfire relaxing at night. I think, I relax and I plan. Sometimes the planning is as simple as meal planning and other times it’s more extensive. Take for example, life insurance for parents. Yes, I’m talking deep stuff mixed in with simple stuff. The deep stuff is quite important though.

Fabric Post Image

Speaking of that, I was introduced to Fabric (linked above) and a very though provoking article got my wheels turning. It’s never too early to start planning. Also, one thing I really like over at Fabric is their simplistic explanations of, to me, complex things. I encourage you to take a look around. There is a live chat button as well as questions being asked and answered over on their social media too (Facebook & Instagram).

Other areas of planning I’m spending time in this summer include fitness, organization and savings! Why does it always come back to money. Ha! We have all this “free time” this summer but I do take the time to look at our life and find areas of improvement. See what we are doing right. See what we could change. Mix it up and see what works. All the things!

Are you a planner? What areas do you like planning out in your life? I’d love any tips you have. Leave a comment below!

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