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how to find your ideal heart range for weight loss {#smoothblogger}

Smooth Fitness BadgeOne of the best ways to experience weight loss is to monitor and track your heart rate.  That being said, how on earth do you figure that out?  That was always my question, and I couldn’t seem to remember it.  Now that I am pregnant, I definitely stay in and have my ideal heart rate memorized.  I want to share with you how to figure this out.  I have looked at a few articles online, and this is the equation I use…

To find your maximum heart rate ::
Subtract your age from 220.IMG_9545
Mine is 187

To find your bottom heart rate ::
Take your Max heart rate and multiply that by 0.7.  So I would take 187*.7 = 131 (rounded)
Mine is 131

To find your top heart rate ::
Take your Max heart rate and multiply that by 0.85.  So, I would take 187*.85 = 159 (rounded)
Mine is 159

That makes your target weight loss heart rate area between the top and bottom hear rate numbers.  So, I need to stay between 131-159!

This is OBVIOUSLY very basic, there is a lot more to losing weight than just watching your heart rate.  However, this is a great start!

Once you figure it out, get a reliable heart rate monitor and use it religiously.  Still not interested?  That’s ok, get a treadmill or elliptical that has a heart rate monitor built in.  Yes, you knew this was coming, my Smooth Fitness elliptical has this feature, and I love it!


Check out some of my other #SmoothBlogger posts too!!

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  • designhermomma
    July 18, 2013 at 7:50 pm

    off topic. What shoes are those? LOVE THEM!

    • Shannon :: owner
      July 19, 2013 at 2:10 pm

      They are Saucony’s Emily! 😉 Love them, so comfy!! I wear them running and cardio…