2 In adults/ around the house/ big kids/ good eats/ halloween/ in the kitchen/ toys & games

halloween fun with general mills cereal :: monster crunch! a breakfast battle game

disclaimer no giveaway

Within the last week we have really started to see the change in seasons happening around our area. The pumpkin farm down the road is in full swing of harvest and cleaning pumpkins off for sale on a daily basis, many of the apple trees surrounding our house are picked bare, and the field crops have begun to turn yellow. Basically we are finally ready for FALL!

monster cereal and monster crunch! games from general mills cereal on the simple moms

Thanks to my friends at General Mills Cereal for sending my family a couple boxes of those deliciously fun Halloween themed cereals along with our very own Monster Crunch! The Breakfast Battle Game. I had to laugh at the varied reactions to the goodies we received – the male members of our house instantly dived in to our box of Count Chocula, while the girls were definitely more interested in learning to play Monster Crunch! The Breakfast Battle Game.

general mills cereals halloween fun on the simple moms

If you want to make sure your kiddos get to experience the joys of monster cereal you can find the every popular seasonal Count Chocula, Franken Berry, and Boo Berry cereals at your local grocery store and if you’re intrigued by the Monster Crunch! The Breakfast Battle Game make sure to pick up a game of your own online or in store at Target (this is a Target exclusive item!).

monster crunch game fun with general mills cereal and the simple moms

The Monster Crunch! The Breakfast Battle Game was an instant hit at my house with my 8 year old promptly asking “Can we play this every morning when we eat cereal?” so don’t be surprised if your family has as much fun as my kids and I did playing this monster cereal themed game. You can play with as little as 2 players or as many as 5 and while the game is for ages 9 and up my 8 year old had no problem playing along on her own. It didn’t take us long to play a game through, probably the perfectly timed game for actually playing during breakfast (I’ll try anything to keep my kids sitting at the table and finishing their food) and a fun way to start off everyone’s day.

halloween fun with monster crunch game from general mills cereal on the simple moms

What was your favorite monster cereal character growing up?

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  • Amy D
    October 15, 2018 at 7:01 pm

    Count Chocula was my favorite cereal when I was a little girl! So awesome to see that GM still makes it! I will need to get these cereals as a special treat for my daughters for Halloween. Also, the games look super fun! 🙂

  • Katie Miller
    October 12, 2018 at 3:25 am

    My daughter is so into board games right now. This would be perfect. I loved count chocula cereal, it was a rare treat for us.