In apps/ around the house/ coronavirus/ media/ safety/ tech stuff

gryphon router :: keep your home, school, or business safe online

disclaimer no giveaway

We are rounding the corner on almost a year of living life more virtually. While I love technology, there’s always a learning curve. My husband is the administrator of our Christian school and for lack of a more skilled person, I’m the IT person. I’ve had to absorb great amounts of information about technology to get our school and home streaming. I want to help others avoid the overwhelmed feeling that came with this responsibility at work, but also direct you to the most fantastic router to put in your home to make everything run smoother and safer.

My heart is so burdened for keeping the next generation safe!

protect from pornography

You know the bubble over the island in the movie Wonder Woman that protects them from being seen by the outside world? If you’re not familiar, just picture a dome over your home, protecting your family from evil worming its way inside. I found a device that puts a technology sphere of protection over your home, school, church, or business.

The Gryphon router has been an amazing addition to our lives this past year. Many thanks to Protect Young Eyes for educating families on technology resources and really tough topics that we face in this day and age. I can’t recommend this blog enough! They were the resource that educated me on why we needed the Gryphon router.

Why Kids Look at Pornography

Gryphon in your Home

I will begin on the home level since that will likely apply to the majority of parents reading this post. With a few simple instructions and prompts from the Gryphon app, you can have your home running quite effortlessly via a Gryphon router. A router is a gateway for the internet to get into your home via WIFI. That being said, you want it to give you fast internet speeds, support lots of users/devices at one time, filter out the garbage, and prevent malware and hackers from accessing your devices. There’s no confusing numbers to input or crazy configurations to set up. It’s a very straight forward process that the app guides you through.

There are two router options. Our home is under 2,000 square feet and one level so the Gryphon Guardian Router is more than adequate coverage for our home. Again, picture a sphere, pick a somewhat central location (if possible) and this router can reach up to 1,800 square feet.

If you want an even bigger range due to a larger home, the Gryphon Tower has twice as much power and reaches up to 3,000 square feet. You can also pair a Tower and Guardian for even more coverage. For our school/church we have a spread out campus so we have two Towers and a Guardian to provide a strong signal. It was magical how easy it was to pair them all and the Gryphon company will give you free advice on how to get set up most effectively.

gryphon app

I’ll let you do your homework, but figure out if a Guardian or a Tower will be adequate for your home. Speaking of homework, lets talk about the app that runs this router. Hopefully you aren’t managing 65 devices like I am, but it is possible! Have you had the scenario where your child is online for school, but you don’t want them jumping on STEAM to play Among Us during class? You can designate specific times of the day when STEAM for instance is allowable. HOMEWORK time will block certain websites or apps, but still allow limited internet access (customize easily in the app).

Browsing history is stored, malware is blocked, devices can be paused, and different levels of filtering can be applied for each user wherever you are using this router. As a parent, the app is easy to navigate, tweak things, and have a good gauge on what sites are being viewed in our home and how long we are all online.

gryphon tower

Gryphon in your School, Church, or Business

We can have our homes set up to protect our kids, but what about the other places that they go. We have to trust that teachers and schools are keeping our kids protected online too. Do you know what measures are being taken to filter the internet at your child’s school?
protect heritage baptist church (1)
When our school found out that we could re-open, we had to have internet speeds that could support all the teachers streaming at once (for our online students) and a router that could reach all the classrooms on the campus and share the speed effectively. I contacted Gryphon before we purchased the tower and they were very helpful letting me know that it could support all our needs. A larger space and lots of users is intimidating.

I got the Gryphon Tower and it set up beautifully at our ministry. While one router could handle all the users, our classrooms are so spread out in various buildings, we couldn’t reach everyone with the signal. With the help of Gryphon support, I got advice on what Gryphon router to mesh with our base and where to put it. If you have a really complex situation like a 20 story brick building, they will even look over your blueprints and advise on how to get set up best.

Their support is 100% free and so helpful. I spoke with CEO of the company, Allan Chua, and he expressed how he wants families and companies to know that they can get help with how many routers are needed, where to put them, and how to get things running smoothly. They aren’t just tech support if you can’t get a device to work, but they want to support the entire process of getting set up. This level of customer service is to be commended.

Gryphon also wants to help schools doing distance learning. A Gryphon router can be placed in each home and set up and managed by the school district. Kids can be given the gift of internet safety from their school. Sadly, there are many homes where the parents haven’t made the effort or they don’t have the means to install proper safety protocols on their internet. Ask your school district if Gryphon could be added to the distance learning program.

I want nothing more then to see our families protected from the evil that lurks on the internet.

Please consider sharing this post and adding a Gryphon router to your home or business.



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