1 In around the house/ baby gear/ big kid gear/ eco-friendly/ fashion/ little fashions/ organic clothing

growing up gro-via

disclaimer no giveaway
I’m sitting here on a beautiful Sunday morning, staring at the melting snow outside of our windows. My 3 year old and I have been under the weather with HOPEFULLY the last bug of of the season. We have uplifting music playing on my computer and my little guy is singing his heart out while pounding “nails” into some cardboard. The little life growing in my belly is flipping around, dancing to the music playing… and I can’t help but feel thankful as I look around! It is my last month of pregnancy. Where has time gone!? Our lives are about to change again, but as with the changing season,  I am ready to embrace the change.

Gro-Via Newborn AIOWhen I found out I was pregnant 8+ months ago, one of the things I immediately looked forward to again were diapers! A lot of moms bemoan diapering and can’t wait until their little one is potty trained, but I think most of my cloth diapering mama friends can understand my feelings… I can’t WAIT to start diapering again! All the cute fluff hanging on the drying rack as I pre-wash new diapers and re-wash diapers I used with my son make my heart a little happier. hehe…

With my son, one of our favorite diapering brands was Gro-Via! So when we found out we had a little miss on the way, I had fun getting to stock up on fun girly prints. One of my FAVORITE prints is the Ophelia! Girly but not over the top… this beautiful print is not loud or overly bright, but rather it is classy, understated, girly and just plain fun! 🙂

With my son, I didn’t start cloth diapering right away because the one-size diapers I had were too big for his little newborn tushie. This time around though I am prepared with the Gro-Via Newborn All-In-One (AIO). Specifically designed for those little buns, the newborn AIO is perfect for babies weighing 5-12ish pounds.

Those first few months of life, our little miss will be covered in the softest diaper ever. This diaper is made from a quick-dry external soaker that has 3 layers of hemp/cotton and is topped with an intensely soft micro fleece. Because of the natural fibers in this diaper, it does need some additional prepping before the first use. But since I am nesting, this is fun for me! With 5-6 washes, this AIO will reach it’s maximum absorbency, and since it is an AIO, there are no pockets to stuff, no prefolds to “pin,” just snap on and go.

So to any expecting mama (or those with kiddos in the diapering age), I HIGHLY recommend checking out Gro-Via, and if you are soon to have a newborn in the house, the Gro-Via Newbown AIO is a must in my book! My new little baby will be growing up Gro-Via!!

Gro-Via Newborn AIO 2

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  • Jaime
    March 7, 2016 at 10:23 am

    Ohhhh, I love this pattern. I didn’t realize that Gro-Via had this size of diaper. I wasn’t able to start cloth right away either. Good to know.