1 In music & movies

go diego go :: fiercest animal rescues

Here is yet another fun one from the creators of Go Diego Go!! Go Diego Go! – Fiercest Animal Rescues was released on July 19th for purchase. If you have any Go Diego Go fans in your house, here is another one you have to pick up and add to your DVD library.

Here is a little about the DVD:

“Gorillas, grizzly bears, hippos and more pack the brand new DVD, Go, Diego, Go!: Fiercest Animal Rescues!, which includes a never-before-seen double-length adventure. Catch this special before its on-air premiere as Diego saves animals in Africa, Australia and Alaska. Throughout his adventures Diego receives help from his sister Alicia, animal pals, Rescue Pack, Click the Camera (voiced by Rosie Perez) and the viewers at home.”

Go, Diego, Go!: Fiercest Animal Rescues Episode Synopses:
Fiercest Animals! (Double-Length Episode)
Cotton-top Tamarin Cave Rescue
Pampas and Friends Help The Rescue Center

Go Diego Go! – Fiercest Animal Rescues :: $16.99

*I received product to facilitate this review and promotion. The opinions expressed are my own.*

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  • Melissa G.
    July 25, 2011 at 8:56 am

    I have two Diego fans in my house! =)