In big kid gear/ big kids/ halloween

go and glow with life gear :: review

disclaimer no giveaway

lifegear1 My kids love a glow stick more than just about anything in the world. Well, glow sticks and flashlights. And maybe cardboard boxes. So when this box of Life+Gear flashlight/glow stick combos arrived just as I was about to leave for a camping weekend with the youth from our church, I had to hide them from my kids until I could get out the door!  On our camping trip, the students borrowed a few and used the flashlights to get us down to the campfire for s’mores. Later that night we clicked one on as a glow stick and placed it in the cabin’s rest room as a night light.

My favorite thing about these is how long they last. 200 hours of glow time!  That’s a lot of time, especially when you compare it to the life span of a regular glow stick! And it has four options: flashlight only, flashlight with glow stick glowing, glow stick only, or blinking glow stick.

lifegear2So for Halloween night we’ll all pull out our Life+Gear glow sticks and wind our way around the neighborhood. Usually I end up with a handful of flashlights by the time we’re headed home, but I have high hopes that it’ll be different this year because these have attachable strings and can be worn like necklaces. Or, as my oldest son suggested, miniature light saber neck decorations.

Oh. One more thing. These glow sticks also have a whistle attached. Pop off the end cap and there it is. But pleasepleaseplease don’t tell my children about that part. While it’s a great thing to have if you find yourself lost or in danger, it’s not a great thing to have inside my house. I tried it out and that sucker is LOUD.

Life+Gear Glow Sticks :: $7.99 each

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