2 In around the house/ baby gear/ big kid gear/ in the kitchen

give your child a boost with luv chicken

disclaimer no giveaway

My little guy loves to be Mr. Independent! I remember the first day I heard him say that dreaded word, “myself.” I think my jaw just about hit the floor. How can my ONE year old not want my help climbing up the stairs??? He can’t possibly know what he is saying… but over the course of the next couple of weeks, I quickly learned that not only did he understand what he was saying, but he also truly wanted me to step back and allow him to tackle the world around him.

Since that time, my husband and I have wanted to help foster his independent spirit while at the same time teach him to graciously accept help from others. Gently reminding him that he isn’t quite as big as the other people around him is something we take very seriously. Now our two year old willingly accepts help when he understands that he needs it!

With Luv Chicken, we are able to give our little guy the “boost” he needs in life! His personality may have outgrown his highchair, but his little legs and body most definitely can still fit. Watching him try to sit in the “big chair” at the dinner table can be quite comical… picture only the top of his little blond head and bright blue eyes barely peering over the edge of the table. After propping him up on the Luv Chicken, our little guy can enjoy dinner as one of the big people!

Luv Chicken Collage 2

I really do love this booster seat! With an anti slip bottom, you simply put the Luv Chicken on the chair and it stays in place. We have not had any issues with the pad slipping while our son was sitting on it. Because it is made from a coated fabric, clean up has been a breeze! It is lightweight and made with a handle that makes it portable and easy to lift.

Luv Chicken can be a booster seat for your child at the dinner table OR you can use it as a seat on the ground during and outside event. Get creative! What other ways can you use the Luv Chicken? 🙂

Luv Chicken Collage

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  • Talia
    August 10, 2015 at 7:57 pm

    These are great, and I love the prints! My son could benefit greatly from this, like taking it to restaurants or traveling without having to rely on anyone having a booster seat or worrying about lugging my own.

  • Robin W
    August 10, 2015 at 5:41 pm

    I love the size of this and the fact that it has a slip resistant bottom wonderful. A pillow is so much more portable than those old plastic booster seats that were around when my son was little.