In around the house/ clean it up/ in the kitchen

getting your holiday prep on with biz

disclaimer no giveaway
For months, I have been talking to you about Biz.  It’s finally time to start preping for the holidays. Having family and friends over is what most of us do this time of year and getting the house ready for that is a big task.

I wanted to share with you that not only does Biz have a liquid but they have a powder version and guess what? You can use this on laundry, bath tub and tile, kitchen and even outside on the patio and deck.
holiday prep with BIZ
Biz is going to help me get ready for the holidays with my family.  Two to three days before guests are due to arrive, I scrub the shower, trash cans and refrigerator and the garbage disposal. Our guests don’t typically spend the night during the Holidays so the tub and shower will be fresh enough two days later. The garbage can may need a wipe down that morning but it typically stays pretty clean for a couple days after cleaning, as does the refrigerator. So, I like to get these out of the way a couple days in advance.

The day before, I spend prepping all the food for the Holiday meal. I get that out of the way and then start cleaning up.
I make the kids pick up anything they’ve drug out, then I dust and vacuum, sweep and mop and clean. I use my powdered Biz to clean the kitchen counters and sink, bathroom sink, and lastly the toilets.

Having one cleaner to do everything makes it so much easier. I’m not switching between a ton of cleaners just to get the house clean, plus the house doesn’t smell like a gazillion different fragrances of cleaners.  I get in there and get all the cleaning done quickly, light my favorite Holiday scented candle and be done with it!

The graininess of the Biz really gets in there grabs the dirt and grime. It works great on grout and any textured areas like on a refrigerator or linoleum floor.  When I’m done, the house smells great and sparkles like new!

What do you do to get your house ready for the holidays and family get togethers?

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