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get fit with Kristin McGee :: review

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A few months ago, I had the opportunity to review Kristin McGee‘s Prenatal Yoga and Pilates DVD. You can view how wonderful that workout is HERE. After working through her prenatal DVD, I was so impressed that I wanted to see how her other workouts compared.

The past couple months I have been faithfully working through Kristin‘s “Yoga Slim” and “Strong, Sexy, Svelte” DVDs. Ever since having my son a year ago, I have been battling a sore back. I don’t know why carrying a 20 pound person around all day would hurt my back (say the last sentence with a sarcastic tone… hehe), but since I have been faithfully working out with Kristin, my lower back pain has completely disappeared!

I really can not say enough positive about all of Kristin‘s workout routines. I feel like a new woman… strong, flexible and healthy!

Kristin McGee2I have to admit though, the first few times I worked through her DVDs I thought, “There is no way I will ever be able to do that!” Check out the picture to the left… I definitely never thought I’d be able to do THIS! I am a busy mom, so finding time to work out is difficult. Throughout my week I find 3-4 days where I am able to complete the majority of a workout (being able to finish a workout is a bonus when you have a little boy pulling on your pant legs), and I am still feeling stronger, leaner and more svelte!

I know it is hard to find time to add a workout routine to an already busy schedule, but when it is something you enjoy, finding time is much easier! I encourage you to check out Kristin McGee‘s workout DVDs “Yoga Slim” and “Strong, Sexy, Svelte.”

Yoga Slim :: $16.99
Strong, Sexy, Svelte :: $16.99

connect with Kristin McGee:
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  • ashley cossette
    February 25, 2014 at 1:51 pm

    My sister in law is actually 5 months pregnant right now and looking for a new prenatal yoga dvd as she has stopped having time to go into the studio. I will definitely pass this along to her, thanks for the recommendation!!