1 In adults/ big kids/ toys & games

summer fun from WowWee

disclaimer no giveaway
wowweeDon’t we all love fun little gadets to play with? I know our kids sure do.  WowWee recently sent me items from their exciting and innovative summer line-up of products. GrooveCube, SnapPets, and the new Elektrokidz Music Series. These are HOT gifts this summer whether you are traveling, socializing, or just chilling at home and trying to be cool!
wowweeSnapPets are the all-in-one BluetoothR camera and remote shutter button for your Smart Device. They are perfect for selfies and great for group photos!  SnapPets has the ability to store 20 pictures without a Smart Device!  It is small, colorful, and cute, they are mega fun in a Snap!  I love that you can use it from your smart phone and take with you wherever.  The kids think it is pretty cool to just take snaps of each other all around the house.wowwee snappets

Elektrokidz new Music Series is vivid and eye catching. Watch your favorite buddies hair bop to the beats! They make a terrific grad gift or camp friend. Place them on a desk and be entertained for hours!  This was a great gift for my daughter’s 5 year olds birthday. It was a huge hit at the party.

The GrooveCube is the vibrant audio speaker that is so small it can fit in the palm of a hand. Super chic speaker with a big clear sound!  This has been perfect to just throw in my purse and take while taking the kids to the park, pool or beach.  It is easy to use with your smart phone. For a small little speaker, it can sure pump out some sound.


So what do you think about these summer fun toys from WowWee? What would you choose and what do you think your kids would like?

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  • Alina
    August 13, 2015 at 10:14 am

    My children would love these especially jamming to such cute creatures.