In in the kitchen

four tips for maintaining a hazard free kitchen

Your kitchen is one of the most magical places in the home – it is the venue for creation, giving everyone the capacity to turn their culinary ideas into reality – a reality that nourishes the family and brings everyone closer to one another.

However, the energy expended and utilities used in the kitchen can also be mishandled and be the cause for accidents. As the primary caretaker of your household, make sure that you are able to keep a safe and accident-free space, where your toddlers, pets, your family, and even your guests are able to enter without you worrying that injuries or other untoward incidents could possibly happen.

Here are some ways to make sure you get to keep your kitchen a hazard-free area:

  1. Make sure that your floors are clean and dry

A lot of liquids are handled in the kitchen. If anything spills and stays on the floor, this may cause people to slip and fall. One of the simplest ways to maintain your kitchen is to make sure the floors are mopped and dried before anyone enters. This habit carries a lot of fringe benefits – apart from avoiding a grimy feeling on your feet and the decreasing the likelihood of spreading this all over the house, you also get to keep everything neat and sanitized, and prevent further spread of contamination.

  1. Keep cleaning materials and sharp objects tucked away

Knives, scissors, and other sharp objects, along with your bleach and other cleaning materials, should be kept in high places, whether it’s inside cupboards or closed cabinet doors. You wouldn’t want your toddlers or your pets to accidentally swallow these toxic chemicals, or get in contact with stainless steel blades that could cause harm or injury.

  1. Get your chimney regularly maintained

The draft that goes up the chimney keeps gases, smoke, and carbon dioxide out of the indoor air, so just imagine what could happen if it malfunctions. Have your chimney regularly checked to remove blockages, and to make sure that everything is still working up to speed. A malfunctioning chimney can be a fire hazard, and of course you would want to avoid this. You can have experts such as those at Certified Chimney to conduct regular checks for you and ensure the safety of your exhaust mechanism.

  1. Have a first-aid kit ready

Minor cuts, wounds, and burns can be easily remedied by antiseptics and ointments. Make sure that these are readily available and within reach in case any of these happen in your regular grind. These things are par for the course in kitchen activities so there really is no need to panic – just being ready with the essentials can make relief accessible.

It’s easy to keep a safe and even child-friendly kitchen, so make sure you have all these basics in place so you can continue enjoying your time in one of the most dynamic rooms in your household.



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