1 In little fashions

fashion playtes :: design your own

Hmmm, why didn’t I think of that?  That was my first question when I logged into Fashion Playtes!

This is a SUPER FUN IDEA! Another comment I made upon researching Fashion Playtes.  And totally right up my alley having a house full of opinionated and fashion fun little ladies!

At Fashion Playtes, what you get to do is sit down at the computer with your kids and design clothes.  If they are young like mine you will have to do the computer to make sure it’s all done correctly, older ones are capable of doing this on their own with your supervision.  It’s totally that simple.  And we love simple here!  I had an absolute blast doing this with Lili…oh yah, and she had fun too 🙂

“FashionPlaytes is a great gift idea for girls!”   You get to pick out everything!  Whether you want to design jammies, a shirt, bottoms, accessories.  Huge selection of items to start the designing with.  And not only that, when you make a choice, it’s shown on a little person so you can see exactly what it will look like.

Next you get to pick out the colors, embellishments, and more.  And when I am talking embellishments, you can pick out things right down to the extra layer of fabric on the bottom of a shirt to sequin pockets on a dress.  Oh yes, my Lili picked the sequin pockets on her dress!

Prices are quite reasonable I thought.  The shirt we made was $21 I believe and it was all decked out with Lili’s design.  Custom made shirt with her own “label”.

One of the last things I’ll mention that I think is fantastic is the label.  The kids can make their own label for their clothes!  It displays right on there with their name, or whatever they choose.

Ever since we have placed the order, my Lili asks DAILY when her new clothes will arrive.  We haven’t received them yet, but when we do, there will be another post.  Stay tuned…

P.S. If you want to get in the loop now, follow them on Twitter and “like” them on Facebook.

*The product in this review was provided to me for the purpose of conducting this review. All opinions expressed in this review are my own*

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    January 7, 2012 at 1:01 pm

    […] by Shannon | 0 comments One of most fun reviews that I have done with my Lili was this review for Fashion Playtes.  You may remember it from my previous review, but this review is about the actual ordering, […]