In books & learning/ media

do not bite the dog again! and other parent-isms :: book review

disclaimer no giveaway

When I was in college, I was in a bathroom stall next to a mother and her son. I vividly remember looking down at his little converse shoes – one shoe tied up tight, the other dirty and dragging the ground. I also vividly remember the sound of his mother’s voice when she shouted, “Do NOT ever lick a toilet!” WHAT!?!

It wasn’t that many years until I was in the bathroom with my son, and someone was looking at his little converse shoes and thinking WHAT!?! There’s no need to go into the details, but kids are curious and when you frequently have to take small children into the bathroom with you there will inevitably be questions.

The old saying is a saying for a reason; kids do indeed say the darnedest things. And parents often find themselves responding with equally insane statements. Nathan Ripperger has created a book full of some of the hilariously absurd things he’s said to his children (five boys, all under the age of 10). “Things I’ve Said to My Children” is not only an incredibly realistic look into the world of parenting, but also wonderfully illustrated.

“Things I’ve Said to My Children” is a great gift that will give parents everywhere a good laugh, or just a great book to have around when you need to feel like you aren’t the only one reminding your kids that you will not talk to them until they are wearing underwear. (True story. For the author and for me.)


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