In books & learning

darlene brock :: help wanted – moms raising daughters

Can I just tell you how glad I am that I have two little girls? They seriously rock! While I love seeing how different little boys are, having girls just fits for our family. You know?

As much as I appreciate having all those extra X chromosomes around there are challenges to raising girls. Already there are days where it feels like our 2-year-old and 4-year-old are practicing for the drama of being teenagers!

Being a great mom to two daughters will be the most challenging and rewarding job I will ever take on. Knowing full well that a smart mom is one who isn’t afraid to find help where she can, I decided to read Darlene Brock’s new book Help Wanted: Moms Raising Daughters.

When I first started reading Help Wanted: Moms Raising Daughters I was excited to find out that Darlene Brock was a successful mother to two grown daughters.  What she’s sharing isn’t just hypothetical ideas on what could work, it’s experience from a woman who actually lived through the minefield of two daughters and can tell you what worked (and what didn’t).

One of the first things I LOVED learning from the book was that it was okay for me to treat my daughters differently.  Not in a “you’re my favorite” kind of different, but in a “you’re different people” kind of different.  This most immediately has shown up in how I discipline the girls.  Where what is effective for one daughter (time outs) isn’t for the other (who just despises losing privileges).

Whether you’re just starting on the journey of raising up daughters, or your girl(s) are old enough to drive or date, I recommend Help Wanted: Moms Raising Daughters.  It’s a great read and is on the top of my list of books to share with other moms of little girls.

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Help Wanted: Moms Raising Daughters :: $14.95 suggested list price, can be found for less from all their suggested online retailers

*The product in this review was provided to me for the purpose of conducting this review. All opinions expressed are my own*

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