1 In big kids/ infant/toddler/ toys & games

connect with bluebee pals :: review

disclaimer no giveaway
Bluebee PalsI haven’t met a kid yet who does not like stuffed animals. Better yet, I have never met a little kid from the 21st century that does not know how to work electronics better than their parents! haha… Given that kids are so driven by technology today, it is fun to see where technology is taking the toys these days. Bluebee Pals are a perfect combination of technology and good old fashioned stuffed animals!

Bluebee Pals are stuffed animals that connect via bluetooth to any device with bluetooth capabilities. Once connected, they sing, play and talk with your child! It was really fun watching my son’s eyes get big as saucers when he saw his lion’s mouth begin to move in conjunction with the song that we were playing. His lion was jamming to some good ol’ country songs as well as The Wheels on the Bus! The possibilities are endless. It can sing, it can read audio books and it can even… answer telephone calls!

If you are connected to the Bluebee Pal when a call comes into your device, you can answer the call with a simple touch of the ear. I will say, my 2 year old was VERY confused why the lion was moving his mouth while hearing daddy’s voice coming from it! So much fun!

Bluebee Pals are a fun toy to have with countless hours of entertainment. Watch as your child’s eyes light up as they interact with their Bluebee Pal 🙂


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  • Denise Taylor-Dennis
    February 17, 2015 at 8:42 am

    What a cute stuffed animal I’ve never heard of one that connects via Bluetooth.