3 In tips and tools

chick-fil-a mom valet :: quick tip for simple moms

mom valet2.jpgDo your days kinda look like this sometimes? Wild and crazy. Full of chaos. Children suctioned to each extremity. Does the idea of schlepping everyone into the restaurant make you want to weep openly in public? I have to admit that there are days…and last week I had one of those days. We’d been running errands and smack dab in the middle of TJ Maxx, everyone hit their limit. We were all hungry and tired and then we got stuck in traffic, which is especially unfortunate when you have a potty training toddler in the car. See that adorable baby smile? That’s because she is no longer “holding it”. That is a look of sweet relief, my friends.

I remembered that our Chick-fil-A recently started a new service: Mom Valet.mom valet.jpg Here’s how it works: You pull into the drive-thru and place your order, letting them know that you’d like to do the Mom’s Valet*. They’ll take your order like usual and ask how many people you have, how many placemats you need, and if you need a high chair. Pull around and pay just like normal, but they won’t give you the food. After paying, you pull into a parking spot and go in to your waiting table! They were even kind enough to help me get everyone seated and pass out the correct kid’s meal to the correct kid. I love this service. No more having to corral everyone while I order. No seating everyone at the table and then peeking back and forth nervously while I try to order and pay. No more carrying 5 drinks to the table at once. Seriously fantastic!

Oh! And, while we’re on the subject, I want to make sure you know my kid’s other favorite Chick-fil-A secret: If you get a toy that you don’t really want or one that you already have, you can take the unopened toy back to the counter and exchange it for a kid-size icedream cone!

*Mom’s Valet is not something they have at all locations, but if you like the sound of it you can certainly mention it to the manager at your local store.

Although I do participate in the Chick-fil-A Mom Panel, this post was not sponsored. I did not receive any compensation for writing this post. I do, however, occasionally receive free or discounted items as part of this program with Chick-fil-A.

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  • Alisha
    October 29, 2013 at 2:52 pm

    Bridget in definitely going to have to mention this to my local CFA! And I only have 2 and we go in looking that crazy haha!!!

  • Robyn R
    October 29, 2013 at 2:14 pm

    I have to mention this to the manager at our Chick-fil-A. Wouldn’t that be a treat for a mom trying to juggle kids, drinks, etc, etc, etc!?!?!

  • Ginny
    October 28, 2013 at 11:46 am

    Oh how I wish we had a Chick fil A. That’s a brilliant and family friendly concept. I hate eating in the car, but it is hard to order, pay, and keep a good eye on the kids. There is always too much bouncing when we stand in line. I will be the first person trying the mom valet if we ever get a location close enough!