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buying diapers 101 :: money saving tip :: i like buying diapers -said nobody, ever

buying diapers 101I did not buy any diapers until our Charlie was 8 months old. A wise friend told me many years ago that I should buy a pack of diapers every month of pregnancy. It’s only fun to buy the first pack so enjoy the moment (before they are born and using 1,052 diapers a day). The thrill of buying a pack of diapers quickly dissipates, but that’s where I’m here to help. I super sized that advice to buy 9 packs of diapers, and I decided to buy a case of diapers each month I was pregnant with my 3rd. It not only spread out the cost, but it allowed me to buy when the price was right. I don’t think you will miss late night runs to the store when you are on your last diaper either.

What’s a good price?

Price points for diapers have changed with each child I’ve had. There were tons of sales and even FREE packs of diapers when I had my Annabelle. I would wake up early to be first in line at the drugstore on a Sunday morning when a sale went live. I had to get my diapers for 2 cents a piece before they sold out. I’d march my church dressed self in there and then gloat all the way to church. I guess it’s good I was headed to church to maybe learn some humility. While I still love a good coupon high, I have to be realistic. Those sales were so 2009. I’m not carting 3 kids into a store for 1 pack of diapers either.i like buying diapers

What price would make me hurdle over my couch and dive for the computer to buy diapers ASAP? 15 cents or less per diaper. Anything 20 cents or less is good enough in my book. I just don’t have the time or energy to do better then that.

So, where do I shop for diapers?


* I like Target name brand diapers if I don’t have a coupon. They run good sales on all brands too.


* I like Kirkland or Huggies brand. My opinion is that they are interchangeable so whichever is cheaper works for me. Costco has good deals on their cases of diapers when coupled with the coupons they run from time to time. Usually $6 off a case. Time to stock up!


* It sounds so lazy, but I buy the most of my diapers off Amazon. I enjoy Amazon MOM with Prime and get 20% (sometimes more) off diapers and wipes plus, free shipping!

Amazon Mom

I will check from time to time and see what Amazon Coupons are current. When I pair a coupon I virtually clipped with my Amazon Mom PRIME savings, I can get a case of diapers delivered to my door and I never had to leave my couch. My disgusting slippers get to stay on my feet (you’re welcome innocent bystanders that didn’t have to see or worse, smell them) and I got to mark something off my “to do” list while watching TV. WAY better then shopping with kids in tow! Do you want to try Amazon Mom for FREE? Click HERE.

diaper stock pileWhat size and how many should I buy?

I figure 5 diapers a day (at least). Go easy on the newborn diapers. You might have a child that is too big from the start to wear them. Size 2’s and 3’s they wear the longest. Here is a photo of my diaper stash when I was about 7 months pregnant with Charlie. I really couldn’t do much more then this because I didn’t know how quickly he would outgrow my stockpile. He jumped more quickly then I anticipated to 4’s. No worries though, I can make you a diaper cake from my Etsy Shop with those extra 3’s. 🙂

I like buying diapers. Said nobody, ever!

I’d love to hear your money saving tricks and tips for buying diapers. When I’m visiting Michigan I like Meijer diapers too. However, I’m on the West Coast missing Meijer’s on a regular basis. Can you tell I’m not brand loyal? Whatever works is good enough for me. I could become brand loyal if someone wanted to give me lifetime supply of baby diapers. (hint-hint!)

*Thanks for reading Buying Diapers 101. The opinions expressed in this post are my own. If you want more frugal tips, check out this post on IBotta.*

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  • Diane Cooper
    May 7, 2014 at 10:54 am

    This is really good advice. When my daughter told me she was pregnant I started entering every giveaway for diapers I could find, also. I actually got lucky and won two boxes of diapers. I also started buying diapers when they were on sale and I had a good coupon. Now, I have a good stash of diapers for my house because my daughter cloth diapers at home.

  • Danielle Royalegacy
    February 11, 2014 at 3:06 pm

    I keep telling my daughter that she has to start buying diapers. She is due in April. I’ll pass this info on to her. Thanks!

    • Ginny
      February 12, 2014 at 11:58 am

      Oh my yes! Anything you can get ahead helps for certain. There are so many incidental purchases to be made when you have your first. Better to not have to add diapers to that list. She still has time to start stocking up!