In get fit/ let's go outside/ toys & games

A balancing act…on a bike!

Have you ever wondered what it is going to take to teach your child how to learn to ride a two wheeled bike? Do you feel like the training wheels are permanently affixed to your child’s bike? If you answered yes to either of these questions, I have your answer! My daughter first started using this g-bike (balancing bike) at the beginning of the summer. She uses her feet as the “pedals” on the g-bike. She is now comfortably riding her two wheel bike and starting to pedal and balance all by herself. I believe 100% that it is because she used this g-bike all summer long and became comfortable on two wheels!

This bike is very lightweight which makes it very easy for the kids to pick up and maneuver around. This bike is made for ages 2-5.

The company, Kickboard USA sure knows what they are doing. Not only does this bike look awesome but it has earned the Award for Innovative Design Eurokbike 2006. To see this bike in action and to learn more about it, click here!

GET YOUR OWN!! (with a coupon!) Kickboard USA is offering a 20% discount when you purchase either the mini kick, the g-bike or the maxi kick…or any combination of the three. The discount does not apply to parts or accessories. Use coupon code SIMPLE when checking out. This offer is valid through November 30th, 2009. Plan ahead…Christmas is right around the corner and these toys will not let you down!
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