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#aSIMPLEChristmas :: sparkup magical book reader :: review

Have yourself a Merry SIMPLE Christmas
Sparkup logo (mandarine over transparent)We all know that reading with our children is important.  And while I absolutely love reading with my children, sometimes I get busy or distracted by that “to-do” list.  While handing my kids an e-reader would be the easy choice, researchers now indicate that e-reading really doesn’t count as active story time, but as passive screen time.  And my kids definitely don’t need any more screen time in their day.

This is where the Sparkup Magical Book Reader comes in.  The Sparkup enables parents, grandparents or friends to create audio recordings of picture books, so that the kids in their lives can listen, read along and feel connected at any time. Sparkup is designed for children ages 3-8 and attaches to the top of a book.  It records the user’s voice while tracking each page with a built-in camera.  Afterwards, any time the device is re-attached to that book, it plays the appropriate recording for each page.

079I was able to easily record several books for my kids–simple board books for my youngest and longer picture books for my older children.   I especially loved being able to record some photo books I made for the kids, even singing some lullabies.  It makes them just that much more personal and unique.  And I can’t wait to have Grandma record some books as well.  My children who are already reading can read and record books for their little brother, who can then feel connected to the big kids, even while they are at school.  And my kids can still have storytime with me, even when I’m not home.

girls-back-300x200The Sparkup would be a great tool in the classroom by reinforcing literacy skills.  How great for a teacher to be able to read books to one child using the Sparkup while working with another child at the same time. The Sparkup can also be used for children with visual impairments or those who frequently need to review pages.

Now my kids can facilitate their own read aloud time if I’m not able.  I have less mommy guilt about not always being able to read to them.  And they can have recorded books to last.


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  • Janet W.
    November 18, 2014 at 6:47 am

    Wow this is great! This would be nice to have if my daughter and son in law leave my grandsons with me, but they still want a bed time story.

  • Sindy Murray
    November 17, 2014 at 9:00 am

    This is a great idea instead of being in front of a screen more time than necessary.