In holidays/ SIMPLE causes

acorn :: love to grow on campaign

A very cool thing is happening….and well, it just happened!  Starting December 1, 2012 Acorn will donate $1 to the Boys and Girls Club for every pair of shoes purchased in December.  Holla!!!   Here are some parts of the Press Release that I wanted to share with you.  I know that when I make a purchase, I like to know that my purchase is or has the potential to make a difference.  Here is your opportunity if you think like I do!

Here is the ‘Love to Grow on” campaign…

”Comfort goes beyond what you put on your feet to how you feel in your own skin,”…  “Kids need to be comfortable and confident in order to reach their full potential. At Acorn, we realize the value of loving yourself for who you are – and who you have the potential to be. Through this campaign, our customers can help us help children find that confidence.”

Boys & Girls Clubs of America is a nationwide organization that serves nearly 4 million young people annually. The organization’s mission is to guide young people to become productive, caring and responsible citizens. To achieve this mission, Boys & Girls Clubs of America provides a safe place for kids to have fun, develop lifelong relationships with peers and mentors, and participate in programs that help them reach their full potential.

“Boys & Girls Clubs engage kids and teens during the critical out-of-school hours when juvenile crime escalates and millions of young people are left unsupervised,” said Christina Alford, Vice President of National Corporate Partnerships, Boys & Girls Clubs of America.  “We witness firsthand how Clubs positively influence a young person’s confidence and self-respect during the times they need it most. And, we are thrilled to partner with Acorn, a company that understands the importance of confidence, to extend this positive influence to even more young people.”

The ‘Love to Grow On’ campaign runs from December 1 – 31, 2012. One dollar will be donated for every pair of Acorn shoes purchased, up to $20,000.  For more information visit Acorn.

Help them spread the word!  Just copy below and paste into either Facebook or Twitter!

Twitter :: Acorn shoes is donating $1 to the @BGCA_Clubs for every pair of shoes bought this December! #Shopping

Facebook :: I bought shoes to make change. How? During December, Acorn is donating $1 for every pair of Acorn slippers and shoes purchased to the Boys and Girls Club of America. Now, I have comfy shoes – and I helped out. Join us!

I have not received any compensation to share this information, just sharing because it’s that cool!

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