4 In craft time/ DIY/ get crafty

a simple craft :: no-sew t-shirt capes

Do any of you have a little one who loves super heroes at your house? My two-year-old loves the idea of a super hero–just don’t make him actually go near one in a costume, then he thinks they are the most frightening things ever!  But before you go buying every super hero costume out there, read this extremely easy idea for making a super hero cape. 003

Lately, my youngest son has been asking to wear a cape, so we fashioned a few simple ones out of t-shirts that were going to be donated.  This is the simplest craft ever. All you need is a t-shirt and a pair of scissors.  If you want it to be perfect, you’ll probably want a measuring tape as well. I just free-handed it since I’m about as Type B as can be when it comes to this sort of thing. 

009Just cut a line up each side, tapering in toward the neck and then cut around the neck, making sure to keep the entire neck of the shirt attached. The end. In our case, we used a Carolina Panthers shirt and used the logo as the super hero logo. We also made one with The Incredibles. You could certainly spice things up and use a plain shirt and some fabric paint markers to make a customized cape for your little one. My little man is pretty low-maintenance, so I just keep it simple. I chose to cut the cape rather short so he doesn’t trip on it, but you could make it as long or short as you want. Now you have something to do with all of your unwanted or stained t-shirts!  Or if your child ends up with a youth size large t-shirt that he really wants to wear (but won’t fit into for about 10 years). ***This works best using a t-shirt a few sizes too big for your child (like one of yours).  Using a t-shirt his/her size will work, but will be fairly small. 008

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  • Rosie
    October 28, 2015 at 2:26 pm

    awww how adorable I got a chuckle out of this, how cute it is! and so easy! and no need to buy anything!!! Luv! I must try it!!

  • Keara B.
    August 3, 2015 at 12:37 am

    Ha! This is such a great idea! I am the worst crafting mom in existence and even I can do this. Thanks so much for sharing!!

  • Pamela F
    August 2, 2015 at 12:08 pm

    What a great way to add to our dress-up trunk! Thanks.

  • Robin W
    July 31, 2015 at 10:13 am

    Genius! What a great way to recycle old t-shirts. I have a niece that loves to play dress up. Every day shes’s dressed up as another character. She’s pretty good at putting them together, but she’d love to have some capes.