1 In get fit/ get healthy/ health

a new degree of relief with thera°pearl :: review

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We have lots of bumps and bruises in this house. Lots of them. My youngest still believes that a bandaid can cure all that ails you. While my other kids have learned that bandaids don’t quite work like that, they have discovered that a little ice on a big ol’ bump will make things better. We used to have several of those little ice packs that were really to go in the bag with the baby’s bottles when we were out and about. She’s 3, so it’s been a while since we’ve had to use those and slowly but surely all of those little packs have torn up or gotten lost. So now anytime we need ice, we have to fill up a baggie with crushed ice. But you know what happens then, right? Yep. That ice melts into a big, messy puddle. But with THERA°PEARL, that’s not a problem at all!

sportpackEach THERA°PEARL pack is created with tiny pearls of awesomeness sealed inside high-quality, clear, non-toxic packaging. There are packs in various shapes and sizes to fit a wide range of needs. My kids use the sports pack like some people might use a bag of frozen peas. It’s their go-to boo-boo helper. You can apply it directly to the skin so there’s no need for them to make a mess getting out towels to wrap it in either! And not only do the THERA°PEARL packs not melt and make a mess, they also remain flexible even when frozen so that you can get it in just the right spot. I always hate how the ice gets frozen in a certain way and then you go to move it and it’s one giant chunk.

neckBut THERA°PEARL isn’t just for cold therapy! You can also heat it up in the microwave. When I get tension headaches, heat is one of the few things I can use to really release all that tightness. And this neck wrap makes it extra easy to decompress and de-stress. It’s made so that it you can easily sling it around your entire neck or fold it up and focus on one side. All those little lines you see are sealed off areas that help keep the pearls distributed properly so that you can just push down a bit with your hand and they settle in the right spot.

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  • Heather C.
    August 9, 2014 at 8:10 am

    Love the neck wrap design. I definitely need this in my house!