In around the house/ good eats/ in the kitchen

7 things you may not know about general mills

If you’re already following us over on Instagram (and if you’re not, you should be – we share fun things) then you have probably already seen some of the adventures I had last week at General Mills World Headquarters. Along with about a dozen other bloggers over a variety of genres I was invited out by General Mills Big G Cereal and hosted for a couple days as we had some fun and did a lot of learning.

There is no way I can share all I learned with you over those two days in a short blog post but here are my favorite 7 pieces of trivia from this event…

1. You can make homemade Cheerios but they won’t turn out quite the same. General Mills Cheerios are “puffed” with a puffing gun to make them have that light airy texture.

Make Your Own Cheerios on The SIMPLE Moms

2. The people who work for General Mills Big G Cereal are passionate about what they do. Across the board I would say that the people I met who work at General Mills World Headquarters or for the General Mills Big G Cereal team were passionate and knowledgeable about their fields as well as feeding all of us!

3. Cheerios were originally called Cheerioats (because… oats).

Cheerioats on The SIMPLE Moms

4. Gluten Free cereals from General Mills have a pretty cool story behind them…

5. Speaking of Cheerios, they make 200,000,000 pounds of Honey Nut Cheerios per year.

6. The mascots for Lucky Charms and Honey Nut Cheerios are named Lucky and Buzz and meeting them made me the coolest mom ever as far as my kids are concerned.

Buzz and Lucky on The SIMPLE Moms

7. The Betty Crocker Kitchens are as amazing as you’d expect.

Betty Crocker Kitchens on The SIMPLE Moms

I won’t overwhelm you with all the other things I learned, but I will make sure to share some fun recipes and snack ideas soon with more of our favorite General Mills Big G Cereal!

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