In health

4 ways for stay at home moms to combat depression

Stay-at-home moms, or SAHMs, are often seen as super-heroes by their children. They can truly do it all. Unfortunately, sometimes doing it all comes at a cost to their mental health. Stay-at-home mom depression is a real threat to the mental health of moms everywhere. Becoming accustomed to being at home all day with your kids is not as easy as many may think. It is truly a full-time job that only pays in hugs and kisses. If you are new to the stay-at-home mom gig, use these four ways to keep yourself from falling into the depression that can take hold of your life. That way, you can continue to be the smiling, loving superhero mom your kids know you to be.

4 ways to combat depression for a stay at home mom

1. Create an Organized and Happy Home

A home where you are simply happy to be is a good first step. This means that you should make it easy to keep your house organized and clean (even with lots of little ones). It also means that you should decorate in ways that make you feel happy and at peace.

One way that you can easily achieve this is by putting a fresh color on the walls. Visit a painting supplies store to find the perfect color for your living-room, bedroom, and the kids’ rooms. These are areas where you’ll likely be spending a lot of your time. You would be surprised what a fresh look can do for your mentality when you are getting a touch of cabin fever.

2. Take Time for Yourself

Studies have shown that working long hours with no breaks is likely to lead to depression. Stay-at-home moms have some of the longest hours, often with a non-stop shift from the second the little ones open their eyes right up until the time that the kids go to sleep.

Taking time for yourself might involve hiring a babysitter once a week, so you can go out with some real adults or your spouse. Or, it might be simply getting a family member or your spouse to watch the kids while you take a well-deserved shower—or better yet, a bath!

Simply taking some time to be you again, without having to worry about the kids, will do wonders for your mental health.

3. Join a SAHM Group

There are likely many other stay-at-home moms (SAHM) in your town, who are just as lonely as you are. Join a SAHM group in your area or create one if there isn’t one already! These groups are a great way to meet other women who have children and are looking for some adult interaction.  By joining one of these groups, you can spend time with your kids while also focusing on your own mental health. You can start to go crazy if all you do is stay at home and watch Paw Patrol.

4. Practice Self-Care

Many SAHM find themselves focusing so much on their children’s well being that they start to let their own needs slide to the back-burner. Focusing on your self-care means eating right, exercising, and getting enough sleep. While it may be more difficult to do this as a stay-at-home mom, it is crucial for your mental—and physical—health.

Another great way to practice self-care is by talking to someone when you start to feel overwhelmed or depressed. You can talk to a professional, which is recommended when you feel that it’s necessary. You can also talk to your loved ones and partner about how you’re feeling. Sometimes, just explaining to someone the stress that you are feeling as a SAHM is enough to alleviate your poor mentality.

Whether you are a new stay-at-home mom, or you’re a veteran SAHM starting to get worn down, these 4 methods can keep your mind right while you’re staying home taking care of your little ones.

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