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the best service dog

Many of us don’t need service dogs, so we don’t need to make a distinction between a therapy dog and a service dog. Although many people suffer from depression and different types of anxieties and therefore have a need for these lovable, cuddly and enthusiastic pets, there’s much more to a mans best friend than just emotional support.

Golden Retriever

Along with Labradors, these are the most talked about, and not without reason. They are among the most compliant, lovable and intelligent. Due to having most of the personality traits considered beneficial when dealing with various disabilities, Golden retrievers are the most common service breed and the most praised.

Not just because of their intelligence, but because of their sensitivity towards people as well, these dogs are easily trained when it comes to service related to social interaction. However, that doesn’t mean that these dogs aren’t good at other services, such as hunting, rescuing, firefighting, and police work.

Unfortunately, this breed has become one of the most abandoned today along with Labradors, seconded by Pugs and St Bernards.

Labrador Retriever

It’s hard to tell the difference for some when it comes to golds and labs. Both are as loving and friendly as dogs get. When it comes to service, they can be trained to do anything. They also have a sharp sense of smell, which makes them good sniffer, search and rescue dogs.

They do, however, have a difference in temperament. While goldens tend to be moderately active and calm to some degree, labs are excessively enthusiastic and high in energy. Labs can’t stand being left alone, and their playfulness can be exhausting to those that don’t have much time on their hands.

Perhaps they are not the best choice for guard dogs because of their overt friendliness and agreeableness, but otherwise, they are sure to keep you safe and loved.

Standard Poodle

Although they are not big enough to be able to perform heavier physical tasks, they are highly intelligent. This means that even when trained, they can think and find solutions to unexpected problems. This breed is also highly sensitive and emotionally dependable which makes it particularly focused on its owner’s needs.

However, unlike Golden retrievers, Poodles don’t tend to shed as much. They are notable for not leaving a distinct doggy odor and for being easy on people who suffer from allergies.

In this regard, there’s something to be said about Goldendoodles, the mixed breed of Golden retrievers and Poodles. These two great service breeds make an amazing match since their offspring share both the great character of goldens but do not shed and are also hypoallergenic like Poodles. For those that mistrust crossbreeding, Florida Puppies Online is one of the ways you can find these mutts in a more trustworthy surrounding.

German Shepherd

Being herders by nature, these dogs know how to lead the way and be in charge which makes them a great choice for guide assistance work. Although they do know how to listen, they know when not to listen as well when it comes to situations where they have to act in their handlers best interest.

As they are extremely reliable in this regard, their strong sense of responsibility can lead them to be overprotective. Their strength and stamina can provide excellent support when it comes to physical assistance. However, paired with their overprotective nature, this may lead to hard times in the public, if the handler isn’t ready to control the possible situations.

Saint Bernard

When Bernards are put through service training, they make wonderful life assistants. They are big but also as gentle as a dog can get and docile to the core. Because of their strength, they are probably the best at hard work regarding physical assistance.
best service dog
These dogs are recommended when dealing with disorders such as autism as well. While many won’t like the fact that Bernards shed and drool like crazy, these gentle giants are great for people with ADS as they are so patient and sturdy.

Of course, I should mention that these breeds are not inherently service dogs, they are just the most suited. Every service dog should go through a training process and should get a licence in order to truly be considered a service dog. And you do not have to feel guilty for making them your helpers, as dogs need a purpose in order to be happy and healthy just as we do.

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