In live events/ media

so much fun at day out with thomas

disclaimer no giveaway

Anyone have any Thomas the Train fans at home? We have two little ones who can’t get enough of Thomas, Percy, and James! They love to sing about Thomas, play with Thomas trains, watch Thomas shows, and more! We had the opportunity to attend Day Out With Thomas recently and my kids had the best time!

We told our kids about a week ahead that we would be going to have the chance to ride on Thomas and spend the day playing and enjoying Thomas. That’s about all they talked about the week leading up to the event! I’m so glad it didn’t disappoint.
They enjoyed everything offered there from the 40 minute ride on the train, to meeting Sir Topham Hat, and everything in between. The event was held at a beautiful place, and all the details were thought out. We didn’t have to wait in long lines for anything, and the kids stayed busy with activities like coloring Thomas hats, a free photo booth, bounce houses and more!

A couple of our families’ favorite things were the ride on Thomas and meeting both Sir Topham Hat and Bob the Builder! The train ride was fun! Thomas led the way pulling lots of cars filled with passengers through a local scenic route! We enjoyed Thomas music and even a little story from Thomas himself!

If you have the opportunity to attend A Day Out With Thomas with your little Thomas fans, don’t miss out! It’s definitely a day the whole family will enjoy together!

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