In fashion

simple ways to rejuvenate your style

It’s always a good time to change up your look. You don’t need to be going through a major change in your life to freshen up your style. Updating your appearance can help boost your confidence and give you the fresh start you need. To help you begin, here are some simple yet effective ways to give your wardrobe a makeover and transform your everyday look.  These are definitely three ways that I try first when look to rejuvenate myself!

Wear Jewelry

A few basic pieces of jewelry have the power to enhance your entire appearance. When it comes to jewelry, you can use it however you want, depending on what your personal style goals are. If you want to go for a bolder look, you can choose statement pieces that are designed to draw attention to your outfit. Otherwise, classic jewelry can add a nice touch to a more modest look. Tastefully incorporating the right fingerprint jewelry into your outfit can go a long way when it comes to improving your overall style.

Experiment With Clothing

You might have a signature look that just seems to fit you, which is great. But don’t be afraid to step out of your fashion comfort zone and experiment with clothing items that you wouldn’t normally wear. If you tend to lean towards a preppy look, try out some edgier pieces. Wear lighter colors if you usually dress in darker clothes. However, you decide to make a change, remember that trying something new can add a fresh touch to your personal style. You might even end up deciding you like your new look better than your old one.

Get a New Hairstyle

Your hair frames your overall look, so taking care of it can significantly shift your appearance. Similarly to jewelry, the way you treat your hair can reinforce the general style that you’re aiming for. If you wish to maintain a simple look, you don’t need to drastically change your hairstyle. However, if you are feeling daring, going for an edgy cut or dyeing your hair a different color can emphasize your bold look. Whatever you’re in the mood for, hair is versatile enough to accommodate it.

With a brand new look, you can feel refreshed and like an improved version of yourself. Changing up your clothes, jewelry and hair in small ways can end up making a noticeable difference. No matter what you choose to do, you can’t go wrong when it comes to rejuvenating your style.

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