In guest blogger/ music & movies

simple guest blogger :: vered :: bonding with your baby through music

Vered :: Guest Blogger on The SIMPLE Moms

Hi there The Simple Moms readers. I am back for my third installment. We talked about the benefits that music can have on your baby and on you, we also talked about attachment and why music is such a perfect medium through which to bond with your baby.

Now its time to leave the theory behind and talk about HOW to use music with your baby. Below are some tips that I have found to be helpful to the parents who take my workshops:

1. Use Music to Establish Routine
Sleep, bathtime, mealtime, going down for a nap; these ever repeating events of our day with our baby can be enjoyable, but also extremely challenging. Try using a song to signal to your baby that these activities are coming. Best if you use are consistent with your song choice. You will see that eventually your baby will rub his/her eyes at even just the sound of your lullaby. Here’s a sleep song suggestion:

Click here to view the video on YouTube if the video will not load for you on Simple.

2. Bond through song
Very young babies can see about 8 inches far. They are also most interested in faces. Singing a song to your baby while gazing into his/her eyes is a way for you to hold them not only with your arms, but with your voice. Singing directly to them will create an intimacy and will also teach you to attune to your baby, and vocally respond to their cues.

3. Rhythm is your friend
Babies love rhythm. Rhythm is a great tool to use for play, and even more so, for soothing. While doing all that rocking and bouncing that we do, try singing a song and bouncing to the rhythm. This will not only lull the baby faster to sleep, but will also probably make the time more enjoyable for you and will increase your stamina.

4. Repetition, Repetition
In your baby’s world where everything is new, let him/her delight in hearing something familiar. Songs are unlike speech because the melody and phrasing is repeated. Take advantage by singing the same songs to your baby every day and letting him/her learn and be comforted.

5. Use hand gestures and body movements with your songs
There is a reason that songs like “The Itsy Bitsy Spider” are timeless hits. For babies, it is like a puppet show that accompanies the song – basically like a little musical show. They begin to associate gestures with the melody and anticipate them. Try incorporating singing, movement and touch when playing with your baby. You will notice the delight they take in being moved around while being sung to. Here is an example of a song with gestures:

Click here to view the video on YouTube if the video will not load for you on Simple.

6. Why say it when you can sing it?
Make up songs about what you are doing, where you are going and how you are feeling. This will entertain you both, and will add a spontaneous lightness to your day. Also, since babies have been shown to respond more to singing then talking, it is a nice way to stay related.

7. Don’t be self conscious!
Your baby does not care if you can’t carry a tune. Your baby just wants to sing with you, have fun, smile, feel that you are enjoying yourself too, and feel secure. They are a non-judgmental, in fact adoring, audience.

Please feel free to email me with any questions: You can also hear more of my songs and read about my workshops on my website by clicking here.


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