In SIMPLE updates

rafflecopter :: a new way to enter giveaways

SIMPLE has been looking for a way to make entering giveaways easier.  Here is a new application that I am going to try with a couple giveaways. I am super excited how this works and I am loving Rafflecopter and how easy it is. It’s brand new and I’m one of the first blogs to be able to test it out, I need feedback on how our readers are liking it.

Rafflecopter is a giveaway application that will help SIMPLE create, run and organize our giveaways. We are hoping it will be really fast and simple for our readers. You won’t have to leave multiple comments anymore either.

Benefits for our readers:

  • Easy and fast to enter giveaways.
  • No entering your name and email address each time.
  • It gives clear instruction on how to do each entry
  • when you are finished entering everything it will say DONE, even when you come back later, that will be helpful to know when you have already entered a giveaway.

Here is a current giveaway that I am using Rafflecopter on Matilda & Maxwell books. Let me know how it works. I am still working out the kinks a bit but I think it will be loved by all!

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