In beauty/ get fit/ health

perform pain reliever :: from the makers of biofreeze

Having sensitive skin makes using a topical pain reliever an interesting game of roulette.  Will it cause more pain than it is trying to relieve?  Will I end up with a rash?  Or in the case of one product I’d tried in the past, even second degree chemical burns complete with blisters?

You can imagine my reluctance to try anything topical for years… until I found about Biofreeze and subsequently, Perform Pain Reliever.  These great topical pain relievers work by using natural menthol and cyrotherapy.  Cyrotherapy, also known as “cold-therapy,” is the application of cold to relieve pain and inflammation.  The most common use of cyrotherapy is with ice, but as we all know, the carrying around a bag of ice isn’t always practical.

That’s where Perfor Pain Reliever comes in.  You can choose one of their four different application methods to suit your personal preferences or use the interactive Where Does It Hurt? application to pinpoint what method would work best and why.

Gel: dispensed from a tube affords the opportunity to create a more thorough experience by massaging the affected area during application. Through massage, the user benefits from increased blood flow and warming of the region at the cellular level for better absorption.

Spray: specially formulated with Menthol as its active ingredient and a blend of botanical extracts and oils including:  Arnica, Eucalyptus, Ilex, Lavender, Lime, Camphor, Nutmeg, Orange, Peppermint, Pine, Thyme and White Tea. Ideal for hard-to-reach areas, such as the middle back and lower extremities like legs and feet. Can be applied from any angle, even upside down, making those hard to reach areas-more reachable!

Roll-On: the roller ball allows for product application without the need to use your hands. The roller ball also provides a nice massage for soft tissue wherever you apply product.

Singles: The perfect on-the-go solution for arthritis, sore muscles and joint discomfort.  Full-size for when at home, Singles for on-the-go!

These last two options are our family favorites.  The Roll-On, because it’s easy for me to reach anywhere I need to apply Perform Pain Reliever and I can safely have my 4-year-old help me if there’s a hard to reach spot on my back.  The Singles, because they are an easy and light-weight way to make sure I’m never far from my Perform Pain Reliever.

Perform Pain Reliever :: $12.99 manufacturer suggest retail price for each application method

*I received product to facilitate this review and promotion. The opinions expressed are my own.*

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