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organic and dairy free after school snack with nocciolata

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Now that school has been in session for at least a month, have you figured out a routine yet?  At this point, we are trying to settle into a routine that works for our family. When you add in sports and dance, it really makes you sit back and think of how you really are going to work things. When figuring these things out, dinner usually ends up being later then usually and kids are hungry or hangry when they come home from school. An after school snack is a must on certain days.
apple slices with nocciolata
Finding a good, healthy and quick snack for after school is always fun to figure out. Having a good selection at home is always best, and having them easy to grab and readily available for the kids is much easier on you. On days when I have a little time I like to put a little snack together that they will really enjoy. Most people are aware of the most popular hazelnut spread, but I am here to tell you about a healthier and yummier one.  Nocciolata came into our life and we will never turn back.  I can’t even tell you how yummy this stuff is. It’s organic, dairy free and gluten free.

nocciolata snackNocciolata snack

Nocciolata is perfect for an after school snack. Here is a simple little idea you should totally try.

  • apple (depending on how many kids you are making snack for)
  • nocciolata chocolate hazelnut spread
  • peanut butter

Cut the apple up into little slices. Add a teaspoon of peanut butter, then add a teaspoon of nocciolata to the apple. Enjoy!
apples slices with nocciolata
My kids totally love this.  It was a great snack for after school and held them over until dinner.  I always caught myself sneaking little bites of this spread while making their snack. It is too delicious, I couldn’t resist.  It is definitely one thing I will be buying over the popular brand.

What would you do with your Nocciolata spread?

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