In around the house/ DIY/ frugal living/ get crafty/ home decor/ money saving tips

office chair makeover :: easy & affordable diy project

I am challenged when it comes to sewing projects so recovering my office chair intimidated me. This however, was not a sewing project. I enlisted my friends to help me, but I really could have done it if I had tried. A Friday night with friends is fun though!

You know I love a good deal. I got this bright idea to use a curtain panel (I found the fabric I liked at Target for $19.99) to save money on materials for my project. We only used half of one panel too! It’s also a good and sturdy fabric that I hope will withstand my behind when I work at my desk. I do think some upholstery spray would be a good idea to protect it.

Easy to redo a chair. Anyone can do it if I can!
I have a few tips for this project:

1. Take apart your chair. Mine required the front and back of the top panel to be popped apart. No need to remove existing fabric unless it shows through.

2. Lay out your chair pieces to be recovered on your curtain panel so you get an idea of getting the most out of your fabric. When you cut the fabric (use good scissors) cut off the corners so you don’t have extra fabric bunching when you staple gun it to the chair.

3. Make sure you have staples that aren’t too long. It helps to have 2 people when you staple gun the fabric so you can get it tight. Pay attention to your patterns as well so they line up decently when you put your chair back together. Plan on trimming extra fabric from edges when you are done stapling.

happy office4. Enjoy your “new” chair. If you are really lucky you might even find a matching lampshade like I did (clearanced at Target for $7.50 woot woot). So, I basically got a new chair and lampshade for less then $20. I’ll have to browse pinterest to see what I can do with my leftover fabric.

If you have a talented mother like I do…you can have her make you curtains out of a shower curtain as well. That is a sewing project though…I will have nothing to do with that. Hope you are inspired to try this upholstery project. I promise you it is a breeze.

*This post was written in my cute office space pictured above.*

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