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no flip or flop with toejoez :: review

It’s almost spring time around here. It’s time to start finding those fun and trendy shoes to wear with your spring and summer outfits.

I want to share with you this new sandal called Toejoez. They are flip flops that don’t flip or flop. What does that mean you ask? You know that sort of annoying sound that you make when you wear flip flops, well Toejoez do not make that sound. These sandals stay against your heel to jeep it from making the noise. While they are quiet, they are fashionable.

We received three pairs to try out. I love that these are lightweight and slip in easy. These came in handy the one day on our vacation we could go to the beach. The kids had no trouble walking in these. They stayed on their feet perfectly and were very comfortable. There was no noise coming from our sandals on the way to the beach. I also lived that the sand did not stay on our sandals, it came off easily.

I know these sandals will be part of our everyday wear this summer.

Coronado Coral – Flip not toe loop sandal :: $15.95
Basic – Flip not toe loop sandal :: $12.95

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