In around the house/ get fit/ get healthy/ giveaway/ good eats/ health/ in the kitchen/ organize/ tips and tools

my proven plan for weight loss after baby #4 + giveaway {#wwsponsored #weightwatchers}

Weight loss. We’ve been talking about it here and there since the beginning of the year. It’s a very touchy subject, but when things are working, don’t you want to hear all about it? Maybe see if what they are doing will work for YOU? I’m always looking to make myself better, so I’m always open to hearing another person’s health journey…be it weight loss or getting in shape. Heck, I’m an open book for parenting advice, marriage advice…bring it on. But, alas, that’s for another day. 🙂

There have been a few staples for me over the past few months that has lent towards the success I’m having.I thought I would share those with you today so you can see if there is anything I am doing that maybe you can tweak in your life to have success your journey.
Before and Now using Weight WatchersThe plan. First and foremost, it’s been Weight Watchers. What I love about this program…is that it’s a program. It’s not a fad diet, it’s no magic pill. It’s living the life you’ve been living, enjoying ‘most’ of what you’ve already been enjoying, just tweaking things a bit. They have an app, which I’ve told you about before, and within the app, I keep all the info I need. I track my food, I track my weight, I schedule personal coaching. It does it all. No need to have 1/2 dozen other apps when this one does it all. Delete the others and get the Weight Watchers one. Step one…simplify your techy life!! 🙂

Ok, so a little ad here because I think it’s that great, AND this is a great spot to share it in the post.

NEW MEMBERS can sign up by June 1st, 2015 and take advantage of the Weight Watchers Join Free* Today and Lose 10lbs On Us** offer running April 28 – June 1st {read full details below}

Weighing myself more regularly. There is something about that accountability between myself and that d$mn scale! I’m not one to continue to weigh myself, because I think it can be very discouraging if I don’t see massive change. Although, I have weighed myself once a week (approx…I think I missed it a couple times), and there is just SOMETHING about doing that. Something good, something that gets me thinking about the number I’m going to have to enter into my weight tracker portion of the app. I haven’t opted for as much candy and junk food because of this! Woo Hoo!

Portion control. My trick to portion control – using kid size cups. Hey, they always say make it easy and use what you already have so you can save money. Well, my kids have kid size snack cups and bowls, I now use them for myself. Boy, do the girls crack up at that.

“Mom, why are you using our stuff?”

“Because Mommy wants to be healthy and live a long time and be able to run around after you guys.”

They just laugh, but in my head I’m thinking about how smart I’m being!
my tip for portion control

Prep ahead. If you are anything like me, busy is busy…and it’s not getting any slower. Yet, if you take some time and prep your snacks ahead of time. Or prepare your meal list for the week ahead. Or do both! I just about guarantee you will be eating smarter and NOT eating on the fly as much. That can definitely help you if you want to lose weight. If the carrots are cut up and ready to be eaten, I bet you will go to grab that instead of the chips. If they aren’t cut up, you will most likely grab what’s convenient and go.

Exercise. Not only has exercise been good for my weight loss, but it’s toning my body up. It’s helping me ‘mentally’. Seems I’m a better mom, and person, in general when I get to workout. Burning off calories AND the crazy. Ha!
running off the crazy

What tips do you have for ME now? What works for you when you are trying to lose weight? OR…tell me about your weight loss success. I want to hear that too!!

WeightWatchers_Socialstars_Giveaway_FINALA SIMPLE GIVEAWAY!!
Be sure to head over to our Facebook page and get entered to win a fabulous prize from Weight Watchers. Thanks to Weight Watchers, the five prize packs I’ll be giving away include:

  • 1 Month of Free Weight Watchers Personal Coaching
  • 1 Fitbit Flex
  • 1 Tory Burch Fitbit Gold Metal Bracelet

To enter, stop by our Facebook page, and all the details are pinned to the top. GOOD LUCK!!!

Details on the Join Free* Today and Lose 10lbs On Us** offer:
*Starter Fee waived when you purchase select subscription plans by 6/1/15. Plans auto-renew monthly until you cancel. In participating areas only.
**Lose at least 10 lbs within your first 2 months and get a refund of 2 months’ worth of applicable fees. Offer available to new members only. People following the Weight Watchers plan can expect to lose 1-2 lbs/wk. For Meetings: offer not available in all areas where meetings subscriptions are sold and is not available in AZ, ME and other non-participating franchise areas.

*Starter Fee waived when you purchase select subscription plans by 6/1/15. Plans auto-renew monthly until you cancel. In participating areas only.
**Lose at least 10 lbs within your first 2 months and get a refund of 2 months’ worth of applicable fees. Offer available to new members only. People following the Weight Watchers plan can expect to lose 1-2 lbs/wk. For Meetings: offer not available in all areas where meetings subscriptions are sold and is not available in AZ, ME and other non-participating franchise areas. Visit for full details and to sign up.

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