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more soothing releases from rockabye baby :: review

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rockabye baby logoGenerally when a friend or acquaintance is a REALLY BIG FAN of a specific band or musician you know it.  For the most part though, I don’t think all of us are REALLY BIG FANS for all the different musicians or bands we may enjoy.

Rockabye Baby! Lullaby Renditions of RushWith that being said, I’ll freely admit I won’t be joining the ranks of  SUPERFAN for any of the bands represented in the group of new Rockabye Baby! renditions I have to share BUT even though I don’t recognize all the songs on the albums I enjoyed each of them thoroughly.  {I also thoroughly enjoyed the results of helping to relax my ever active 3-year-old and 5-year-old.}

Below are the links to view the playlists and listen to samples of the songs for each of the new albums.  I’ve also included the clever jacket cover descriptions for each album (I love trying to find all the song references for each band in these).

Rockabye Baby! Lullaby Renditions of BlurLullaby Renditions of Rush :: Do you have a modern day warrior putting up a fight at bedtime? Looking for a reliable way to put baby to sleep and not some fly by night sandman? Try Rockabye Baby’s tender lullaby versions of Rush’s hard rock hits. This magic music will bring your baby closer to the heart of slumberland.

Lullaby Renditions of Blur :: Tender is the night that your baby sleeps without waking. If your girls and boys are a handful at bedtime, play these gentle renditions of Blur’s room-shaking rock hits.  You’ll be able to enjoy your coffee and TV in peace.  Woo hoo!

Rockabye Baby! Lullaby Renditions of The White StripesLullaby Renditions of The White Stripes :: Just don’t know what to do with yourself when baby won’t sleep? Don’t fret, Mom and Dad; slip on these blissful versions of The White Stripes’ rock hits. There’ll be no screeching guitar and no crying infants. Tonight, your baby and bedtime are going to be friends.

Lullaby Renditions of Muse :: Does your baby start an uprising at bedtime? Is the starlight of your life struggling to drift off to slumberland? If time is running out and your little angel won’t go to bed before sunrise, try these soothing versions of Muse’s powerhouse rock hits.

Rockabye Baby! Lullaby Renditions of MuseAs always, some more great additions to the Rockabye Baby collection of lullaby renditions.  If they don’t yet have your favorite band in their baby friendly renditions send them a message about who you’d love to see next!

Lullaby Renditions of Rush:: $16.98
Lullaby Renditions of Blur:: $16.98
Lullaby Renditions of The White Stripes :: $16.98
Lullaby Renditions of Muse:: $16.98

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