In big kid gear/ let's go outside/ toys & games

joovy :: bicycooBMX

Joovy has a new product – and my girls are in love with it.  We love anything to do with bikes, but Joovy’s newest Bicycoo takes the cake when it comes to balance bikes.

They offer two balance bikes, the BicycooBMX Balance Bike and the BicycooGT Balance Bike. Both look great, however this review will be specific to the BicycooBMX Balance Bike!

joovy bicycooGTjoovy bicycoobmx

We are a big biking family.  We have a lot of bikes.  A. LOT.  In our experience, the Joovy Bicycoo was by far the easiest to put together as well as the lightest.  And being pink, I think the cutest! 😉 (By the way, there are colors other than pink 🙂 )

The Joovy BicycooBMX is a durable, well designed balance bike for kids 3 years and above. The frame is made of aluminum so it is strong and lightweight just like high-end bikes. The lightweight frame makes controlling the bike much easier for kids, unlike the heavy wooden and steel versions. The tires are pneumatic (air) and refillable. Many balance bikes on the market use EVA plastic tires which are cheaper and wear out much quicker than these rubber tires used on the Joovy BicycooBMX. The suspension qualities of pneumatic tires give kids a much smoother ride. There is also a hand brake for the rear tire.

Both of my daughter’s, ages 5 and 2, fit the bike and ride it.  The 5 year old is definitely at the tail end of being able to fit the bike. She is tall for her age.  But for now they both have fun on it.  The seat is adjustable to accommodate the two girls – since they are obviously different sizes. But, it’s even better that it’s adjustable because it can grow with the kids!

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And last, if you are curious as to “WHY” balance bikes, Joovy published a fantastic article on their blog.  If you have a child in the age range of using a balance bike, I HIGHLY recommend you read this article! We are firm believers in balance bikes over here. My daughter was riding a bike by her 3rd birthday with NO training wheels. And I know it’s because of the use of the balance bikes.

BicycooBMX Balance Bike :: $139.99

BicycooGT Balance Bike :: $149.99

*I received product to facilitate this review. The opinions expressed are my own.*

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