In around the house/ baby gear/ in the kitchen

how to get your child to like a large palette of foods {#GerberGift #GerberChewU}

This is a sponsored conversation written by me on behalf of Gerber. The opinions and text are all mine.

I’ve always been praised at how well my girls eat. I’ve been looked at so funny at restaurants when my girls order vegetables instead of fries…and they gobble them all down. Faster than most kids eat their fries! I do give them the option, but when given the option, 9 times out of 10, my girls will choose veggies or fruit. It’s crazy, but I’m so happy. I completely attribute that to diversifying their palette when they were young. Did you know that if you don’t do that when they are babies, you won’t have as much success as you probably want? Start them young is what I say. Well, not too young…you know what I mean! 🙂 Follow what the “rules” are, but get them eating some colorful food made from the earth!


Making supper every day and always having a home cooked meal isn’t an option for me, even given what I shared above. I have made baby food and I have bought baby food. And let’s be honest, sometimes the baby food offered is offering a different variety that I could have thought of on my own, and/or items I don’t even purchase. Yet, I want to get my little trying it all!! I am so thankful we live here in the US so that we have this easily at our fingertips and on our store shelves. And priced within reason. Heck, if I bought some of these ingredients often, I’d go broke with as many kids as I have lol!IMG_0414

All that being said, even though we have a baby, we have three other kids as well, and they eat food other than baby food. But, what does the baby want? Everything her sisters are eating. Being able to transition to table food will be easier if you introduce table food tastes to your child early on. We tried our best to have NO food aversion over here. Yet, I still can’t get ONE of my girls to eat tomatoes. What is UP with that!

how to get your child to eat a large palette of foods

Gerber offers a line that helps us busy parents do it all. Yes, YOU are doing it all and doing a fabulous job, if I do say so myself! 😉 The Gerber 3rd Foods® Lil’ Bits® Recipes are prefect for all the reasons I have already mentioned above. But, to give you particulars on ‘why this brand’, check this out! Gerber tested 30,000 SPOONFULS of this in order to create a product that is perfect for little babies, like yours. That’s not it, during those 30,000 SPOONFULS of baby food consumption, they analyzed over 20 hours of video footage and then spent 150 hours analyzing and coding the chewing/mashing portion. WHAT! Granted, that’s what they get paid to do, but that’s some serious research that I appreciate big time! You know why, because then I didn’t have to do it. 🙂 Plus, Gerber stands by and lives up to their 100 quality checks. Our little ones deserve the high stands like this, don’t they?


All in all, what I’m basically saying is check out this line from Gerber to add to your routine. I’ve given facts on why it’s a top contender for me and my family. Additionally, I have shared with you techniques to my success in widening my girls’ food palette…and it can start for you too with some good planning on your part and the Gerber 3rd Foods® Lil’ Bits® Recipes.

What do you think? What worked for you and your babies?

Gerber 3rd Foods Lil Bits Recipes help babies learn to chew and ease the transition to table food.

Comment below to enter for a chance to win a $100 gift card or potentially a $1,000 grand prize!

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This is a sponsored conversation written by me on behalf of Gerber. The opinions and text are all mine.

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