In around the house/ big kid gear/ get healthy/ health

help the little ones brush their teeth with fun products from Aquafresh® :: review

This post was sponsored by Aquafresh through their partnership with POPSUGAR. While I was compensated by POPSUGAR to write a post about Aquafresh, all opinions are my own.

My Preslee is a spunky 2 year old who can’t wait to be big like her older sisters.  She is always reaching to do what they are doing. Brushing her teeth has always been one of those things, from a very young age. I mean, what kid doesn’t want to play in the water with a stick? lol! That’s how she has seen it at least 🙂 We started her with water, because I just didn’t know what product to get that would be ok if she happened to swallow it. But then she was noticing that I wasn’t putting anything on her brush and that’s when I knew I had to start my research again.

The research ended at a well known brand, Aquafresh®. Did you know that Aquafresh® has a Training Toothpaste designed for little squirts like my Preslee? They “Make brushing fun.” There is NO fluoride, NO artificial colors, and NO preservatives.  Boom! That also means if your little one swallows some, it won’t hurt them.

aquafresh training toothpaste collage

While researching Aquafresh®,  I found that:

“Compared to your tooth enamel, your baby’s is 50% thinner. That’s why you need our expert protection.”

If that’s the case, why aren’t we paying more attention to their teeth? I have talked to many mom’s, and it seems that there are so many other things that are the priority when our teeth should be one of the first things too! Brushing should begin as soon as teeth come in. The training toothpaste is great for children 2 and under. So…no excuses!! Start their healthy habits early 🙂

Brushing my 2-year old’s teeth has become a pretty fun experience for all. The girls all line up in the bathroom and take turns at the sinks. When Preslee is done, it’s my turn to make sure she got each and every tooth. I get in there and make fun noises, we sing songs, we mix it up every time. My Preslee has no fear when it comes to brushing her teeth and quickly reminds me if I forget during the day! I love it! {While I have told you what I have done, please use product as directed on label.}

Aquafresh® Training Toothpaste – “The little mouth expertsaquafresh training toothpaste


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