In around the house

get to know your neighbors

If you can remember back the 90s show Home Improvement with Tim Allen, you might remember the peering eyes of Mr. Wilson whenever something of interest seemed to come up in the backyard. While he often imparted words of wisdom, the idea of a nosey neighbor can be a deterrent if you are deciding whether or not you should get to know your neighbors. If you aren’t a social butterfly, it can be intimidating to think of going next door with a plate of cookies and welcoming the new minivan to the neighborhood. There are no laws requiring you to be best friends with your neighbors, but there are real advantages to getting to know one another and forming a Neighborhood Watch program.

6 Favorable Benefits

1. You reduce the risks of falling victim to local crime. When your participants, who share a similar interest in protecting their home and community, band together to prevent crime, it decreases the possibility of becoming a victim. Neighborhood Watch programs are known to deter and reduce the risk of personal assault, vandalism, burglary, and fraud.

2. Your community has a quicker response time to suspicious activity. When neighbors are communicating with each other and the police department, there is less delay in responding to potential threats. Part of the organization’s goal is to educate citizens on how to identify and thoroughly report any activity that seems suspicious. There are several online sites and smartphone apps that have been designed to this end.

3. Your awareness impacts other communities. Things that take place in your neighborhood might be happening elsewhere. Your information can help keep other citizens aware of trends in criminal activities or scam and put others on alert.

4. Your visual clues become deterrents to crime. The signs that are posted informing those driving through the community that a watch program is in effect is a strong deterrent. The sign warns potential thieves or scam artists that the chances of getting away with crime in this area are extremely low. Some police locations also help patrol these watch areas during their regular shifts, which can encourage criminals to look elsewhere for a target.

5. You know who your neighbors are. By attending the meetings of your Neighborhood Watch program, you will start to learn about your neighbors and their patterns. When the activity starts to seem out of place or doesn’t fall within their normal schedules, it can help raise early warning signs of potential trouble. Knowing your neighbors can also give you more peace of mind when you leave for vacation, as you may have no fears concerning what might happen to your property.

6. You reduce the mental and physical effects of stress and fear. The added assurance that others are helping make your community safe can reduce the fears of crime and personal assault. Worrying about what is going on outside can ruin your sleep, sharply increase your stress levels, and make you a nervous wreck. Neighborhood Watch programs help alleviate these stresses.

Getting to know your neighbors through a Neighborhood Watch program is a great way to feel more secure with your residence and community. You will know when to draw the line at someone just being nosey or someone looking out for your wellbeing.

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