In get healthy/ tips and tools

easy way to eat heathy with a busy schedule

Between work commitments, home and family, you likely have a full plate. If you are struggling to cross everything off your to-do list while also juggling meetings, appointments, and errands, eating a healthy diet can seem almost impossible. While eating healthy does require some time and commitment, it can easily be done with a few tips and tricks.

Sign up for healthy meal delivery

Meal planning, searching for recipes that meet your diary goals and grocery shopping are all schedule-killing chores. If you can’t carve out time for all the planning and shopping, or if you just don’t want to spend time on boring errands, a healthy meal delivery service can be a lifesaver. Rather than spending hours wandering around the market and waiting in check-out lines, spend a few moments selecting meals online and have fresh, nutrition ingredients delivered directly to your door.

Don’t skip breakfast

Mornings can be hectic, especially if you are trying to get kids to school and yourself to work on time. During the morning chaos, a full breakfast is likely to be overlooked. However, breakfast is essential to jump-start your metabolism. Eating a healthy breakfast, even if it is fast and simple, can help you focus through the day, regulate your energy levels, and supports your metabolism to efficiently burn calories.  Rather than skipping a morning meal, set your alarm a few minutes earlier and use the time to drink a cup of hot water with lemon. A small grab-and-go, protein-rich meal of Greek yogurt topped with precut fruit, or a banana with a smear of peanut butter, will fuel the rest of your morning activities.

 Prepare snacks in advance

In the quest for a healthier diet, many people try to avoid snacks. However, snacks play an important role in a healthy diet, because eating small portions of food throughout the day can help maintain blood sugar levels and keeps your metabolism active. The downfall of snacks, especially during busy moments, is the temptation to grab convenient processed food that is full of fat and calories. Rather than defaulting to something from a vending machine, plan ahead for a variety of healthy snack options. Schedule a half-hour during the weekend to pre-packaged snacks for the week. Chop carrots, fruit, peppers, and other vegetables and create individual portions using small reusable containers. Each morning, grab a few snack portions to take with you throughout the day as you tackle your schedule.

Schedule meals

Everyone with a busy lifestyle knows that the key to success is to create a schedule and to stick to the plan. However, few people include meal times in their agenda and instead rely on squeezing meals into free times between appointments. The risk here that not planning specific mealtimes often leads to picking up fast food while on the go or finding that there just isn’t time to sit down for a real meal. Amp up your healthy habits blocking off mealtimes on your calendar, just as you would an important meeting. It’s also a good idea to keep mealtimes consistent and eat on a regular schedule. Maintaining routine mealtimes teaches your body when to expect fuel and prevents overeating out of hunger.

Drink water throughout the day

While working your way through a packed schedule, coffee can easily become a go-to pick-me-up. While caffeine can provide a quick jolt of energy, staying hydrated will provide lasting stamina. Plus, stopping to make coffee or go to a coffee shop can derail your schedule. Instead of relying on caffeinated drinks, fill up a large reusable water bottle in the morning. Add a fresh lemon for extra immunity-boosting benefits and flavor, and sip throughout the day.

Limit alcohol

At the end of a busy day, you may want to sink into the couch with a glass of wine or a cocktail. For most people, indulging in an occasional alcoholic drink it’s a problem. However, alcohol is high in calories, can increase your risk of many diseases, and can lead to sleep disruption. Reserve alcoholic beverages for special occasions and unwind after long days with healthier options. Decaffeinated green tea can aid in weight loss and contains stress-relieving compounds. Other options, such as herbal tea with lemon balm, chamomile tea, and warm milk are all comforting and can help you get the sleep you need to maintain your busy schedule.

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