In halloween/ holidays/ pets

don’t forget about your pups this halloween!

disclaimer no giveaway
For many, Halloween is a fun time with family and friends and looked at as a time to get together and run around. The past few years I have noticed more and more of an addition to the costume game at Halloween time. PETS DRESSING UP! Have you participated? I’ve always thought it was super cute and loved the idea. Since having kids, it’s gone to the next level where it’s a necessity in their eyes that the dogs dress up.Top Halloween Dog CostumesWell, this year was a WINNER for sure as our two pups received costumes from Chasing Fireflies and they.were.amazing.IMG_8116

If we are being honest, they didn’t love every second of wearing these costumes. Yet, we couldn’t stop laughing…

So many great pet costumes, which one would you choose?


Also, if you order by October 7, you can get 30% off using code CFFangtastic – whatcha waiting for?!?!

chsing Fireflies coupon code

In order to get your costumes to you in time, be sure to order by October 28 – knowing you will be paying for a 2-3 day shipping fee! Chasing Fireflies Halloween Delivery deadline

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