In craft time/ DIY/ get crafty/ homemade

a simple DIY :: classic red sled ornaments

One of my favorite childhood Christmas memories is decorating our Christmas tree. I loved seeing my ornaments hanging from the tree and giggling at the ornaments I created in preschool and Kindergarten. And I so wish I still had those ornaments to hang on my own tree now.

One of those childhood ornaments that always sticks out in my mind is this adorable little sled ornament I made in preschool. So, I decided to recreate those memories with my kids and help them make their own little red sled ornaments!


Here’s how to make your own Classic Little Red Sled Ornament ::

supply list ::

15 popsicle sticks per sled
hot glue gun
2 toothpicks
red and brown paint
paint brushes
white paint (optional)

let’s get to work ::

step 1 :: Line up 5 popsicle sticks for the body of your sled. Break/cut 3 popsicle sticks to be just long enough to be the width of those 5 popsicle sticks. Attach the 3 smaller pieces as braces for your sled body with hot glue. (Yes, I only show 2 braces here but I later learned I needed 3.)


step 2 :: Break/cut 4 popsicle sticks to be about 2/3 long. You will be matching up two of these, end to end, as the bottom runners of your sled (adjust the length as you like). Dab some hot glue on the braces under the sled body and attach your sled runners.


step 3 :: Turn your sled over and break/cut a popsicle stick to go across the top/front edge of your runners. Attach to runners with hot glue.


step 4 :: Cut two toothpicks and attach with hot glue as shown below.


step 5 :: Paint! We mixed some red and brown paint together to give it more of an antique red look. Use white paint or a white marker pen to personalize with the  year, name or some fun little snowflakes. Then take a small piece of twine, knot a loop in the middle and hot glue the ends to either side of the top of the sled.


Done! An adorable classic personalized ornament is ready for your tree or to gift to grandma and grandpa!


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